
Corporate Governance

2023 Supply Chain Act Annual Report

This Annual Report (the “Report”) is produced in accordance with section 11(1) of the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chain Act (the “Supply Chain Act” or the “Act”) and is filed for the following entities, each directly or indirectly owned by the Jack Dym Trust (“Pipe & Piling”):

  • Mike Dym Holdings Ltd;
  • Pipe & Piling Supplies Ltd;
  • Pipe & Piling Supplies (Eastern) Ltd;
  • Pipe & Piling Supplies (Central) Ltd;
  • Pipe & Piling Supplies (Western) Ltd; and
  • Pipe & Piling Supplies (B.C.) Ltd,

(each a “Reportable Entity” and collectively, the “Reportable Entities”, “we”, “us” or “our”) covering the financial year ended September 30, 2023 (the “Reporting Period”).

Click here to download the 2023 Supply Chain Act Annual Report